
Provide quality services to your occupants

Managers! You are overwhelmed by the demands of your occupants, interdepartmental communication is not always easy, you are asked to deal with the unexpected in everyday life while promoting the well-being of your employees... and all this in an efficient way and with a smile!

But do you have the necessary tools to carry out your missions?

In order to support you on a daily basis and enhance the value of your work, Camileia® has designed and developed a new digital solution: MyWa®.

This Work Happiness application with its Ergonomic, Vintage and Convivial design is intended to be a daily companion for the occupants of your work environment.

Happy employees are



Less sick


More loyal


More productive


More creative
SOURCE : Harvard / MIT
Images de l'application MyWa® Images de l'application MyWa®

Equipped with their mobile phone (or via their PC web interface), your employees will be able to easily access a multitude of services related to their workplace: book a meeting room or a vehicle, declare a request for service, exchange with their colleagues... and much more.

MyWa, a cocktail of "Work" & "Happiness"
A hint of innovation, a touch of business expertise and a zest of kindness.

With MyWa®,we want to enable you to facilitate exchanges between occupants and the organization, offer more mobility and agility to employees, optimize their well-being and thus their performance.

Discover the features that are available to your occupants. They will have access to quality services services that meet their needs.

Occupant Services

  • Annonce covoiturage
  • Annonce visiteurs
  • Bureau partagé
  • Demande d’expédition de plis et de colis

Occupant Services

  • Demande d’intervention
  • Intégration avec Outlook
  • Journal d’entreprise
  • Place de parking partagée
  • Réseau social d’entreprise
Télécharger la documentation

Occupant Services

  • Réservation Pause Gourmande
  • Réservation de salles de réunion
  • Réservation de véhicules
  • Sensibilisation éco-responsable
Logo de l'application MyWa®

MyWa® is a mobile extension dedicated to the employees using WORKPLACE Management System. Open to all, the MyWa application has no limit to the number of connections and benefits from the best technologies to guarantee you an optimal user experience.

MyWa® is available on Android and IOS.

Download MyWa on App Store Download MyWa on Google Play Store
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